Minor in Sustainable Development Studies

Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) offers a Minor in Sustainable Development Studies (SDS) starting from Summer 2018.

Students from any department who have completed 63 credits (around 7th semester) can choose this Minor



GED 205: Introduction to Sustainable Development

GED 462: Social Theory and Methods of Social Research

Optional (Any Three):

GED 217: Introduction to Climate Change Debate
GED 227: Biodiversity and Nature Conservation
GED 228: Organic Farming
GED 209: Environmental Science
GED 467: Seminar of Economic Grassroots Development


Student Placements & Research Opportunities

In addition CSD will be looking to place students who take this Minor on work placements/Internships with our partner NGOs – Action Aid, ICCCAD, Practical Action, Oxfam, Bengal Institute – and private businesses carrying out CSR projects, etc. As part of GED 462, they will also be carrying out action based research, which CSD faculty will support in turning into publication for peer reviewed journals.

The above modules will still be offered as part of GED electives for students who do not opt for the Minor. But if a student declares the Minor (and takes these 5)  they will have to complete additional GED courses to fulfill their GED elective requirements.

Information of Minor for BBA students

Information of Minor for CSE students

Information of Minor for DEH students

Information of Minor for MSJ students