Prateep Kumar Nayak is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Environment, Enterprise, and Development and the Associate Dean of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice in the Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Prateep’s academic background is in political science, environmental studies, and international development. He does transdisciplinary work with an active interest in combining social and ecological perspectives. Prateep’s research focuses on the understanding of complex human-environment connections (or disconnections) with particular attention to change, its drivers, its influence, and possible ways to deal with them. His main areas of expertise and interest include commons, governance, social-ecological system resilience, wellbeing, environmental justice, and political ecology. Currently, he teaches international development and the environment. In the past, Prateep worked as a development professional in India on issues around community-based governance of land, water, and forests, focusing specifically on the interface of research, implementation, and public policy. Prateep is a past Trudeau Scholar, a Harvard Giorgio Ruffolo Fellow in Sustainability Science, a recipient of Canada’s Governor General Academic Gold Medal, and SSHRC Banting Fellow.